
To really get this blog going I want to do a post on each of our kiddos. Starting with none other than our Landon because without him this wouldn’t even be a reality!

Landon Christopher AKA Landon Doodle. We like to call Landon our “family starter.” He is our first and is a true blue first born. Type A personality, very scheduled, very stubborn, likes to be the leader. He’s incredibly smart. He picks things up so quickly and as long as it’s something he’s interested in, he excels. If he’s not interested, forget about it. Landon is difficult to impress but if you succeed and get a true, genuine smile out of him…well, that’s just as good as it gets. If Landons happy, everyone’s happy!

Landon and his dog Bolt

Lately Landon wants to know reasons or “proof” for EVERYTHING. Not even kidding. Everything. He wants to know why we change underwear every day. Why we brush our teeth twice a day. Why he has to go to school. Why he can’t just go for the parts of school that he likes. Why are there so many types of cereal. Why is the sun so bright. Why does he have a bedtime. Why do we have to go to the grocery store. Why are there speed limits. At least he hasn’t asked where babies come from (yet)! Thank God for Google! We spend a lot of time googling and reading the answers to all his questions. He can’t ever just take my word for anything. It can drive us insane but we do love that he questions everything.

Landon deserves a lot of credit. As the first born, all of his first experiences are mine and Chris’s firsts as well. From thinking we killed him the first night home (he slipped into a milk coma – LOL) to his first steps, his first day of school and his first lost tooth (at Disney World of all places!), we’ve gone through it all together. His first temper tantrum was my first time dealing with a temper tantrum. His first “I love you mommy” was my first time hearing it. The road hasn’t been perfect, we’ve made some mistakes along the way but the beauty in life is that we can learn and grow from those mistakes. If you ask Landon he’ll be more than willing tell you what hard work it is to be him.

Landon is a loyal friend. He is so kind, very giving and he has the best intentions. At school pickup we always see him paling around with a friend or two. Doing Fortnite dance moves and yelling silly words I’m already too old to understand. At times he can be very shy and reserved. It can take him awhile to open up, even to the people he’s closest to. When he was a toddler anytime anyone came over, he would drop to the floor and play dead. Landon is an angel at school. He’s in second grade and I’ve never once gotten a phone call about his behavior. His preschool teachers and his teachers up until now have all loved him. Just like I say, he’s stingy with the smiles but when you get one you know it’s genuine!! He’s an absolute wizard at math. On long car rides we do math problems and he calculates the answers in his head. He loves video games. He loves Legos. He loves action figures. He loves to draw. We recently put a desk in his room and since then, he is almost always sitting there doodling away. He goes through a ton of phases. Some are okay. Some are pure torture. I remember one phase with the stairs in particular. He was around three and a half years old. If he walked down the staircase “wrong” or messed up the rhythm, he’d have to go back up and do it all over again until he got it right. Sometimes we’d spend 15 minutes on the stairs before he was okay with how it went. With that phase we were ALWAYS late for everything. Another favorite – for a period of time, every time we got in the car he’d run through a check list. “Did you pack snacks?” “Drinks?” “My jacket?” “My toys?” It was the cutest. He always likes to be prepared!

There’s a lot more to Landon that I’ll be touching on in the weeks and months to come. He’s the one that made me a mom, Chris a dad and upgraded our parents to grandparents. He’s incredibly special and we are so lucky to have him.